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China Exports International Trading Limited

Company Profile
We are China Exports, a British owned trading co***ny based in Shanghai - China. Our knowledge and experience in the Chinese market place enables you to find the best prices and the most reliable suppliers. Our western ownership and management, combined with our local presence make us the ideal co***ny to source products from China!...
Products List

oem sd cards
product sourcing
high pressure laminate
Contact Us
Company: China Exports International Trading Limited
Contact: Mr. Roy Nahum
Address: 1804, B2, 189 Nandan Road,
Postcode: 200233
Tel: +86.(0)21.64384909
Fax: +86.(0)21.64412256


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Tel : +86.(0)21.64384909 Fax : +86.(0)21.64412256
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